ZAC de l’Horloge mixed development zone

Urban designPublic spaces
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - ZAC de l’Horloge mixed development zone

Construction and development of the ZAC de l’Horloge mixed development zone in Romainville
Architect for package A1, “Soléos,” and the boutique shopping centreal.

Designing a new mode of organisation, an urban image that can be shared in the ZAC de l'Horloge and in the Bas Pays of Romainville more generally: Using simple principles, the project proposes an equation that brings together soft mobility, nature and re-use of the heritage.

Three values guide the action and organisation of the urban project, contributing to a shared comprehension of the project and guaranteeing its urban integration:

- Mobility and connectivity: to promote a city of proximity

- The landscape and natural continuities: re-establish the natural continuities; the link with nature is the second determining value. The topography of the town and the creation of the leisure park are the foundational elements of this approach. In the relation between upper Romainville and the canal we imagine a “resurgent” nature following the theme of hydrology and giving character to the new town.

- Complementarity of usages and typologies: consume less space, use the space better; the theme of re-use is the third principle that structures the project. It is a “post-functionalist” concept that applies to territories, materials and equipment. It, of course, includes a patrimonial approach to the site, but will go beyond the historical value to include the environmental issues the project raises.

Worksites : 2020

Urban studies commission


Reichen et Robert & Associés, lead consultant
Architects: MVRDV
Landscaping: BASE Paysage

Site perimeter: 51 ha
Projected programme: 250,000 m² net floor area (SHON) - 250,000 m² floor area (SP)

Type of construction
Economic activities: 180,000 m² 
Housing: 70,000 m²
Public facilities: 14,000 m²

Perspectives: Platform

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plan de synthèse
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les Domaines opérationnels
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le thème du réemploi
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plan programmatique
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rétablir les continuités naturelles
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